As many of you may have noticed, there is an increasing number of DEXes that approach full functionality. Something we embrace here at STAYK as the ecosystem matures and can learn to serve more and broader audiences, including people into DeFi in ways previously thought impossible!
STAYK has notified SundaeSwap that tey are willing to investigate how we can help to make that dream come closer! Our name is added to the list of Pools that can receive a vote to become partners in their ISO (Initial Stakepool Offering)
To get to the voting UI please click the following link (opens it in a new tab) and follow the steps as they are prompted! Use the below pictures as references for voting (in this example I used Daedalus, but any native wallet like Yoroi, Nami, Adalite etc. works (although their Nami-link is sweet ;))
A little explanation on how this works: Any transaction that has a certain set of decimal points behind the 2 ADA transaction is considered as a vote, as exlained in the image above. If you have already cast your vote, but you feel you want to recast it, that is possible, only le last transaction is valid, the others will be filtered out!
Thank you so much for taking the time (and 0.17 ADA) to vote for us! Follow us @STAYKPool on Twitter and we will keep you updated on the progress and the results as soon as they have been verified!
Bas @ Stayk
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