Appearances by Bas on several platforms, think in the direction of YouTube, podcasts and interviews. Our Twitterfeed is featured on the homepage.

An Appearance on @Jane14457995‘s SPO-Tales, edition #2. A twitterbased mini interview focussing on similar things as our SPOt-lights do. fun to be on the other side of the table for a change!

Bas at the Learn Cardano Podcast, invite by Pete Bui (@astroboysoup) for the second time!

We discuss the different types of Bootstrap programs, which are initiatives by either Cardano or the Community to help secure these pools for a limited time, and help boost their block production. Do they work? if yes, how? And does receiving one come with only upsides? or are there downsides involved? Find out in this interview. Let us know in the comments below the video if you missed anything!

A Guest at Benjay Invest

When Bas (@STAYKPool) was asked to join Denicio Bernier (@DenicioBernier) of WEQNT stakepool, Brian (@Beaker2288) from HERO Stakepool and Benjamin Codilla (@benjay011) for a talk about #Cardano and its Catalyst Project, He immediately accepted. Catalyst is a fully fledged and self sustaining governance model that will solidify the continuation and maintenance/governance of the entire network and all it’s developers. Ofcourse, we stray here and there as the conversation was natural, funny and highly enjoayable!

In gesprek met Jonathan Meijer / A talk with Jonathan Meijer

Exclusively aired in dutch, going live on the 27th of June we discuss the process by wich staking Cardano happens. We delve into the risks (if any) and the rewards including our own StaykCoins and share some insights on why we think this is the most futureproof concept to date!

In het Nederlands geupload op 27 juni 2021. Jonathan en ik bespreken het proces van Staken op het Cardano netwerk. De risico’s die er (eventueel) bij betrokken zijn afgewogen tegen de beloningen inclusief onze eigen StaykCoins en we delen wat inzichten over waarom wij denken dat dit het meest toekomstbestendige is dat je met je ADA kan doen!

Bas at the Learn Cardano Podcast, invite by Pete Bui (@astroboysoup)

Invited by Pete Bui (@cardanodeau), host of the Learn Cardano Podcast we discussed the value vs the price of ADA, the goals of Cardano and how operating a pool is going for us. We stress the importance of the decentralization of the network. Enjoy!

Staykpool Stays at the Cardano Hotel, invited by Alfred Moesker (@bigezdaddy2017)

First Appearanc ever on the Hotel Cardano Podcast. Im speaking with Alfred Moesker (@bigezdaddy2017) about Proof of Work vs. Proof of Stake, Het belang van decentralisatie en meer!

The very first Podcast Episode Stayk was Featured in.